Automatically transferring the VAT from Stripe checkout pages to Xolo

Hi all, maybe you can help me out.
I use the Stripe checkout page to collect payments. Through this, my customers get created as guests and the VAT number, which gets collected at the checkout, is not stored in the customer profile. Therefore, Xolo can not access the VAT number and I need to work on every payment manually.

Stripe is not able to store the VAT in the customer profile, and Xolo is not able to access the VAT number where I see it.

Can someone please tell me that I am doing something wrong. I would really like to automate this.
Thank you in advance.

Hey Daniel! I’m using the same stack and it works, but Stripe can be difficult to configure sometimes.

Make sure you have auto tax enabled: Stripe Login | Sign in to the Stripe Dashboard
Your tax company config: Stripe Login | Sign in to the Stripe Dashboard

You’re using Billing subscriptions or single one-time payments?

Hi Marc, thank you for your support.

Auto tax is enabled and also my company tax is set up.
Currently, I am billing one-time, but I am planning to offer subscriptions as well.

Stripe now told me: "When setting up a Checkout session, just ensure you include the option customer_creation set to always . This ensures a customer profile is automatically generated. Here’s a link for more detailed guidance: (Create a Session | Stripe API Reference).

But this also doesn’t help me as I don’t find this option in a payment and setup mode.

Hmm. For billing I use Checkout and Billing portal, this is what I have:

Make sure you check Tax id: Stripe Login | Sign in to the Stripe Dashboard

Oh and take a look, these are the options when I create the checkout session (using code)

$sessionOptions = [
            'billing_address_collection' => 'required',
            'automatic_tax' => [
                'enabled' => true,
            'tax_id_collection' => [
                'enabled' => true,
            'currency' => 'usd',

automatic_tax and tax_id_collection. In theory, this will enable the VAT company info in the checkout:
