Back-End .NET Developer

:wave: Hi there!

Are you seeking a dedicated, experienced software engineer to bring your web application’s vision to life? With over 7 years of experience developing sophisticated enterprise web applications, I specialize in delivering high-quality software solutions tailored to the demands of large-scale, challenging, and fast-paced environments.

Being a team player, I take full responsibility for my projects and ensure the timely delivery of quality work. I’m passionate about learning and always stay up-to-date with the latest trends in technology. My extensive knowledge and experience in software engineering have enabled me to develop high-quality applications that exceed customer expectations.

:dart: What I can do is offer you a turnkey solution to help your business grow, including my experience in:
:black_small_square: Web Development
:black_small_square: Cloud-based apps
:black_small_square: High-load systems
:black_small_square: Microservices
:black_small_square: DeFi Apps

Skills: .NET, API, ASP .NET, C#, CQRS, Docker, dotnet, EF, Elasticsearch, Entity Framework, Flux CD, gRPC, GitLab, GitHub, IIS, Jenkins, Jira, Kubernetes, LINQ, Microservices, MongoDB, MSSQL, nginx, OpenSearch, PostgreSQL, RabbitMQ, SignalR, SQL, T-SQL, REST API, Web API, xUnit

:rocket: Let’s turn your ideas into reality! Contact me to discuss how I can contribute to your project’s success.

Your development hero, Mykyta.