Challenge: Securing Advance Payments for Freelancer Time & Expertise

Hey there, Xolopreneurs! :wave:

I’m Mihai, and I believe one of the biggest challenges freelancers face is getting clients to value and pay for their time and expertise upfront. Unlike SaaS models where payments are collected before accessing services, freelancers often negotiate and then receive payment only after their work is completed.

My Challenge: How can we create a system that ensures freelancers receive advance payments for their valuable expertise and time investment, providing them with the confidence to commit fully to projects without financial uncertainty?

Mihai |

contract + escrow
This also helps with customer unable to pay or not enough founds.

TIP: We always charge a symbolic 5%-10% upfront for new & unique customers, just to make sure they are who they say they are and to comply with the KNOW YOUR CUSTOMER EU law.