Community Construction Work in Progress

Hey there solopreneurs! :art::sparkles:

In the coming weeks, we’re rolling up our sleeves, grabbing our virtual paintbrushes, and giving the platform and categories a little makeover. Think of it as a slight home remodelling :house_with_garden::dizzy:

We’re merging and simplifying topic categories to bring us all closer together. No more wandering through endless corridors of topics feeling like you’re on a quest for the Holy Grail. :european_castle::sparkles: We’re streamlining everything to make it cozy, connected, and super easy to navigate. :rocket:

Get ready for:

:small_blue_diamond: Simplified categories that make finding what you need a breeze! :wind_face:
:small_blue_diamond: A more connected community vibe—less “Where am I?” and more “Ah, I’m home!” :house_with_garden:
:small_blue_diamond: An experience that’s as smooth as your morning coffee. :coffee::sparkles:

Thank you for always voicing your opinions, sharing your feedback and keeping us on our toes.

Cheers to glow-ups and good vibes!