Do Your Clients Include You in Team Off-Sites and Gatherings?

Hey Xolopreneurs! Quick question: do the companies you work with organize off-sites or team gatherings for their full teams? And if so, are you invited as part of the crew? :face_with_monocle:

It’d be interesting to hear how other freelancers experience this. Are you treated like a full part of the team when it comes to these events, or do you typically miss out on the office bonding moments? If you’ve attended, did it help with client relationships, or was it more of a formality?

Having previously worked on the planning side of off-sites for the companies I worked for I recall both being instructed not to include interns, students and freelancers in events and gatherings but also including absolutely everyone. I have a feeling it’s a culture-thing but what’s your experience? Do you appreciate being included, invited and taking part in building relationships with team mates through such gaterings or do you prefer to stay “detached” from the mother ship and keep team relationships in arm’s length?