Growing LinkedIn awareness/exposure to land gigs

Does anyone in here have experience in growing your personal LinkedIn accounts to a place where you were able to drive new clients or book more engagements from the increased awareness? I’m looking to start growing my LinkedIn presence to be able to book more short term/side gigs (like panel debates, speaker engagements, advisory board positions etc.) and would love to hear if anyone has been successful with this and how you did.

Thanks :pray: :hugs:

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I’ve started using LinkedIn more only recently but what I’m already seeing is that it helps me to stay top of mind for even my existing network. So if they have a gig coming up, they are more likely to remember me as they see me posting every now and then. In addition, every time I post, I also gain 2-3 new followers. I do believe that if I manage to keep the posting volume and quality up, it could also start bringing in new projects.

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I know this is not what you asked but it has some answers.
I speak about calm marketing and how social media algorithms have killed the follower, something that communities like this one have the power to revive and transform into a subscribers.

I don’t know if links are appropriate here but the post is on my Substack that sits at respira .love

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Definitely not a good idea to set your pronouns as His Most Eminent Highness (unless you are actual royalty)

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Hi, what I do is:

  • Follow relevant people and companies to interact with posts made by them.
  • Deliver quality information in the media, post relevant news, learnings, histories, beeing relevant to the community helps a lot to growth.
  • Be constant, each week post something and interact.
  • Focus on a topic, don’t be generalist
  • Be present in LinkedIn using all tools, post a comment, post a learning, write an article, contribute with an article, etc…
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