Hey! What are the freelancing tips you would give to your younger self?

Self-reflection is a powerful tool for growth, especially in the ever-evolving world of freelancing. As we gain experience and navigate the ups and downs of independent work, we often realize there are things we wish we had known earlier. Reflecting on our journey not only helps us appreciate how far we’ve come but also allows us to share valuable insights with others.

With that in mind, what advice would you give to your younger freelancing self? Whether it’s about setting boundaries, managing clients, or finding the right work-life balance, let’s share those hard-earned lessons that could help others just starting out—or even serve as a reminder to ourselves!


I’d tell my younger self to guard your work-life balance fiercely. When you work for yourself, it’s so tempting to blur the lines between personal time and work time. But maintaining a clear separation is crucial for long-term success and mental health. I’ve learned that productivity doesn’t mean working more hours, but working smarter within the hours you set.


Hi Jose! I love this topic :slight_smile:

My advice to my youngerself would be a mix of: trust in yourself but be humble enough to accept learnings and tips.

In the beggining there is that much of this kind of empowerment on how to do things in the field you work, but… hey :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:, you have to sometimes to stop and listen to the voice of the more experienced ones who can, for sure, give you a very valuable tip even if it’s not in the same file.

Now that I am a mum, I am starting to realize that what my mum used to tell me in the past, her comments were not just done to annoy me, but to make me think about something.

So, in conclusion, it would be to trust in yourself while listen to the others (and take what you think that can be a learning) :heart:


totally agreed!!! While work is important, we have to take care of ourselves because it’s US the most important part of our life :heart:

I would also add that I would give me advice to embrace the power of saying no. Early on, I took on almost every project that came my way, thinking it would help me grow faster. But I quickly learned that not all opportunities are good opportunities. Setting clear boundaries and prioritizing quality over quantity would have saved me a lot of stress!


Totally agree with Irina. Setting boundaries and being able to say no, I’d is my most valuable lesson from my earlier days as a freelancer. Exactly like Irina I took on to much, pushing myself to my limits, working both full-time and freelancing to get that portfolio looking fly. I grew fast, that’s for sure, and I got to work on really interesting projects. The downside - totally burned myself out, and it took a long time getting back to being able to handle normal stress-levels.


Growing and learning, but in a healthy way, setting boundaries to be able to enjoy the growing part!

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Trust your instincts. If a client seems difficult from the start, they likely will be, so it’s important to establish boundaries early and don’t hesitate to decline the project.