How do you stay motivated as a freelancer?

Hey everyone! Freelancing can be amazing (you are your own boss), but we all know there are days when motivation is hard to come by. I’m curious…what do you do to stay motivated, especially when things get tough? Any tips or tricks that help you stay focused and keep going?

For me it works Remembering my why: working from home, no daily commute, flexibility, do what I love… and setting clear goals: Having something specific to aim for keeps me on track (Even if they are small goals)

So, what about you? I’d love to hear your motivation tips and how you keep pushing forward. Let’s share our ideas and help each other out!

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Staying motivated as a freelancer can be a challenge, but I find that mixing up my workspace helps—whether it’s a cozy café or a sunny park, a change of scenery can spark creativity! Additionally, I love to reward myself with a little treat after hitting a goal, like a homemade ramen or a delicious burger, which makes the grind feel more worthwhile. Lastly, connecting with fellow freelancers for a virtual coffee chat can reignite that motivation and remind you that you’re not alone in this journey!


Hey Irina!

Great topic! Here are my tricks to stay motivated:

  1. Pomodoro technique: Lifesaver for less exciting projects. Keeps focus high!
  2. Kanban board on Notion: Visualizing progress is super motivating. To Do → Doing → Done!
  3. Flexible hours:
    • Busy periods: max 9 hours/day
    • Quiet periods: 4-6 hours/day
    • On vacation: 3 hours/day (like now at the beach)
  4. Motivational quotes app: That little daily push we all need!
  5. Rewards: Goal achieved? Time for walks or Modern Family marathons (watched 5 times, lol)
  6. Focus on the goal: During stressful times, prioritize urgent tasks.

My key? Balance between discipline and flexibility.
Being your own boss is great, but requires self-discipline.

Hope my point of view helps :grinning:
Hae a nice day!

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Thank you both for sharing your great tips!

@rudolf , I completely agree that changing up the workspace can make a big difference! It’s amazing how a simple change of scenery can boost creativity and motivation. And I love the idea of rewarding yourself with a treat after achieving a goal, definitely makes the effort feel more worthwhile! Actually I usually do it as well by buying some delicious sushi :sushi:

@gabrielelakhal , your structured approach is really inspiring! It’s true that Pomodoro technique and Kanban boards are fantastic for staying organized and keeping focused. I’d try with those motivational quotes apps because yes…, sometimes a little daily push is all we need! :chart_with_upwards_trend::beach_umbrella:

Thanks again for sharing your insights!

Hope you both have a productive and inspiring week ahead!

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