How do you take a vacation as a Freelancer? Looking for the best practices

As freelancers, taking a vacation can feel like a double-edged sword. We deserve a break, but stepping away from work isn’t as simple as just logging off. I’m planning my next vacation and would love to hear how you all manage it!


Great question, Bernadett! Taking a vacation as a freelancer can be challenging, but it’s doable. What works for me is planning my time off well in advance and communicating it to my clients. I try to choose slower periods to minimize disruptions, and before I go, I make sure to wrap up any urgent tasks and set up an out-of-office reply.

Sometimes, I’ll check emails at specific times during my vacation just to keep things running smoothly, but I make sure to limit this so I can still enjoy my break. Finding the right balance between work and rest is key to coming back refreshed and ready to go!

Hope this helps, and enjoy your vacation!


I am typically informing my Clients in advance - about a month. Also taking laptop when some work is essential and sorting work out in the evening hours. Working right before bedtime is not recommended though, but I have no problems with that.


Hi Bernadett!

I totally get it, taking a vacation as a freelancer can be tricky! Personally, I start preparing a month in advance to manage everything smoothly. I begin by adding a JPG banner in my email signature that informs everyone I’ll be on vacation from [Date X] to [Date Y] and that I’ll be back on [Date Z].

Also, one month before, I send out a mass email to all my clients to let them know about my upcoming vacation. In that email, I specify that I’ll only be available for emergencies during that period. This way, everyone is informed well in advance, and I can enjoy my time off knowing that I’ve managed client expectations.

Hope this method helps you out!

Have a great vacation!