How to Raise Rates Without Losing Clients

I’m concerned about how to approach this without losing the great clients I’ve built relationships with.
For those who’ve done this before, how did you communicate the value you provide and handle the conversation? What’s the best approach and timing? Would love to hear your tips and experiences!


Totally get where you’re coming from!
I think the key is to be upfront about the value you bring and how your work will pay off for them.
Maybe also framed it as a discussion about how you could continue to grow together, which could help to keep the conversation collaborative rather than confrontational. Definitely recommend preparing some specific examples of your impact, as it can help reinforce your value.

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Great question, Bernadett! I understand how challenging it can be to raise rates without losing the great clients you’ve built relationships with. Here’s what has worked for me:

Firstly, communication is key. It’s important to give your clients plenty of notice about the rate increase. This shows respect for their planning and budgeting needs. When informing them, focus on the value and improvements you’ve brought to the table. Highlighting specific examples of successful outcomes or how your services have evolved can help justify the rate change.

For instance:

  • Mention how the quality of your work has positively impacted their business.
  • Explain any additional skills, tools, or services you’ve acquired that enhance your offerings.

Additionally, consider offering a transitional option for loyal clients. This could be a phased increase or a one-time discount as a gesture of goodwill, which can help ease them into the new rates. Encouraging open dialogue is also essential; letting clients know they can discuss any concerns will help maintain a positive relationship.

By approaching the conversation with confidence and transparency, you can reinforce the value you provide and make the transition smoother for both you and your clients. Good luck!