My digital toolbox: what are the 3 tools that revolutionized your productivity?

Hey everyone! :wave:

Today I’d like to talk about a topic that’s close to all of us: productivity. Specifically, I’d love to explore together the tools that help us work better and faster. :rocket:

Here’s my question for you: what are the 3 tools that have revolutionized your productivity?

Let me share my experience to break the ice:

  1. Notion: It’s become my digital brain! I’ve created a mini CRM where I keep track of clients, revenue, and services sold. It gives me a clear overview of my business and helps me manage taxes. Plus, I use the Kanban method to organize my tasks. It’s incredible how much easier it is to have everything under control!
  2. Google Workspace Individual: Particularly, I love Tasks and Google Meet. Being able to have remote meetings has changed the game: I work with clients all over Italy without wasting time on travel. 80% of my meetings are now online!
  3. AnyDesk: This was a real surprise! Initially, I was doing customer support via Google Meet, guiding them step by step. With AnyDesk, I can directly intervene on their PC remotely. The result? I solve problems in a fifth of the time!

As a designer and marketer, these tools have allowed me to offer better service to my clients and manage my time more efficiently.

What about you? What are your lifesaving tools? Are there any tools you initially underestimated but now can’t live without?

I can’t wait to read about your experiences and maybe discover new useful tools! :bulb:


Hi Gabriele!

For me, the three tools that have completely changed the game are:

  1. Slack: Communication is key, especially when working remotely. Slack has become indispensable for staying connected with my team. The channels help keep conversations organized, and the integration with other tools makes collaboration seamless.

  2. I also use Confluence regularly to document processes and share knowledge. It’s a big part of my daily routine!

  3. I also absolutely love Google Workspace. Honestly, I can’t live without it! The suite of tools is perfect for remote work and, to be honest, it’s hard to compare it to Microsoft Teams or others. Google Workspace just fits my workflow so much better.

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