🌍 New on the Blog: Estonia vs. Austria - Where Should You Start Your E-Residency Business?

If you’re thinking about starting an e-Residency business, choosing the right country is crucial. Our latest blog post dives into a detailed comparison between Estonia and Austria to help you make the best decision.

:briefcase: What’s Inside:

  • Key differences in business setup processes
  • Taxation and administrative insights
  • Pros and cons of each country’s e-Residency program

This comparison is essential reading for any solopreneur considering e-Residency as a gateway to global business. Get the insights you need to move forward with confidence.

:point_right: Check out the full article now: Starting an E-Residency Business: Austria vs. Estonia

:point_down: … and make sure to drop your own experiences and learnings from setting up an e-residency in either Austria or Estonia in a reply below.


Thanks for sharing, Cirkeline! As a Hungarian, I’ve always thought about opening an Austrian company, but after learning more about Estonian e-Residency, I’m excited to apply and move my business to Estonia instead.


Great article, actually I was not even aware that Austria also has an e-residency program. But now I am more convinced to stay with Estonia.

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