The Joys of Working Outside the House (No, Really!)

Guys, something miraculous happened today—I left my house for the first time in almost three months for a real meeting. That’s right, I got dressed in actual clothes that don’t double as pajamas and even remembered how to use the front door.

The commute was… exhilarating. Nothing like a dash of morning traffic to really get the blood pumping. I mean, who knew that yelling at cars while biking could be such a great cardio workout? And let’s not even get started on the epic battle for a spot in the bike rack. I’m proud to say I successfully avoided a fist fight—though I did give one cyclist a look that could’ve melted steel. :sunglasses:

But the real highlight? Standing in line for coffee. It’s been so long that I’d almost forgotten the sweet, sweet anticipation of watching each person in front of you take an eternity to order their complicated drinks. Honestly, I think I teared up a little when I finally got my hands on that precious cup of liquid gold.

All in all, it was a thrilling adventure, and I’m counting down the days until I get to do it all over again! (Though let’s be real, I’m also not mad about working in my comfy pants tomorrow.)

So, who else has ventured out into the wild lately? Share your stories of triumph and caffeine-fueled survival! :coffee::briefcase:


I sometimes work from a café too. It really helps when I feel stuck in the process and need a change of scenery. Sometimes I just go out for a coffee walk, but other times I actually stay and work from there.

Although, focusing can be a bit tricky—one minute I’m distracted by a cute puppy, the next by someone’s cool sneakers… But if I need to do hands-on work like designing banners or tweaking text on screens, it definitely helps me stay efficient.

And yes, I used to have so many great outfits when I went to the office every day. Now I’ve got to go out for coffee just to give them a chance to shine :smile:.


Firstly, you should consider doing standup as a side gig :smiley:

Secondly, I can relate in terms of going out and not being accustomed to being around people anymore. Post-covid, surviving in crowded places is sometimes really taking a toll.

But it indeed is nice to get out every once in a while. It might randomly open doors that might otherwise had remained shut and bring new networking opportunities.


From my personal experience, when I did home office in the past I ended up absorbed in the work stress since I did not have anyone interrupting or aiming for a quick chat that was non work related. As I was that focused working in my place, whenever I was near my computer at home, I could feel that stress, so for me the best decision I could have possibily take is to work from a coworking space, having to leave the house, being dressed (decent enough for the others to see me :joy:) having some company and free space to share personal stuff while having still the chance of focusing in my job. For me, this has increase considerably my productivity and I can say that it’s what works for me right now :+1:


Personally, I find that working from home suits me best. I get fewer distractions and can stay focused. I’ve tried working from cafés, but I find it hard to concentrate with all the noise and activity around me. However, I do love changing up my environment by traveling and working from a good coworking space. It’s the perfect balance for me: new surroundings and energy without the distractions.

And yes, even the smallest change, like putting on “real clothes” and going for a coffee run, feels like a mini-adventure. There’s definitely something special about finally getting that perfect cup of coffee after waiting in line!