Top 10+ High-Income Skills For Freelancers To Learn In 2024 according to Forbes

I just stumbled upon this recent article from Forbes: Top 10+ High-Income Skills For Freelancers To Learn In 2024 which revealed the 2024 top 10 freelance job titles to be writer, editor, photographer, producer, director, translator, copywriter, graphic designer, creative director, and camera operator. According to the article eight of these roles pay more on average than the U.S. median pay rate of $28 an hour—suggesting the skills required for those roles can be defined as high-income skills.

I find myself thinking that a lot of the skills listed under each of the roles apply to nearly all freelancing gig across the board. Like, I don’t see how 1) stakeholder relationship management, 2) time management and 3) clear communication skills only specifically apply to " High-Income Skills To Be A Freelance Writer/Editor"…? And how project management and budgeting skills is mentioned only under roles like Freelance Producer and Director?

The article suggests that freelancers who invest in these areas can better position themselves for higher earnings and long-term success. I would argue that without those skills a freelancer would struggle to earn anything at all… Hot take, I know… But really curious to hear your take on this. Am I the only one thinking Forbes simplified “high-income skills” just a tad? :thinking: :sweat_smile:


I didn’t find the original article that listed these but found it weird that IT professionals are not even considered for the top 10, seems highly subjective.


I completely agree. That was so strange to me as well. I guess companies still prefer to have their developers employed full time and on fixed contracts - at least that’s what the numbers seem to claim.

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After reading this article, I realized there are a few skills I’m missing that could significantly enhance freelancing opportunities. For instance, strengthening skills in data analysis and digital marketing could be crucial for freelancers looking to stay competitive and meet the demands of the industry.

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I agree with Tiit, I thought that I would see more IT related skills or IT professionals would be considered in the top 10.

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They seem to be very related to a magazine; photografer, translator, copywriter…

Maybe we should start doing our own list with the TOP skills for freelancers in the community.

Taking my profession as an example:

HIGH-INCOME SKILLS to be a freelancer LAWYER:

  • Use some tool that allow you to be updated to the new pronouncements
  • Work on your web to create content and engage new clients
  • Have certain procedures to be followed with all your clients in regards of services agreements, payments and set clear expectations
  • Have personal contact and create engagement with your clients so they can recommend you to friends and family (potential clients)
