UX Audit In 10 Clicks | With Google Analytics 4

My favorite UX GA4 10-click checklist! :computer_mouse: Pretty useful to spot opportunities for usability optimizations or understand unexpected Conversion Rate ups and downs. :chart_with_downwards_trend:

:one: Connect to the GA4 account of your interest.

:two: Click the “Explore” section on the left side of your screen.

:three: Create a “blank” report.

:four: Choose a proper timeframe (last 28 days or more | depends of course on the volume of data your project accumulates).

:five: Add the “device category” dimension and add it into your “ROWS” list:

:six: Add the list of metrics below:
a. “Total users”,
b. “Bounce rate”
c. “Session key event rate (in other words your CVR)”.

Add them to your “VALUES” list. *Note: Make sure to calculate the proper CVR. See how to do so in this amazing article by (link at the first comment).

And that’s it. All you need to do now is consider the following:

:seven: Is there a device with a significantly different CVR/Bounce Rate compared to the average?

:eight: Replace “device category” with “browser”. Any browser with strange behavior?

:nine: Replace “browser” with “Operating system”. Do you see differences between IOS and Android?

:keycap_ten: Replace “Operating system” with “Resolution”. Any display with poor performance?

Do the above and you will find some optimization opportunities for sure!

*Posts always reflect my personal views!