We’re building a community and would love your input

We are bursting with excitement to hear from YOU! :star2: Our amazing community of freelancers and solopreneurs is all about connecting, growing, and thriving together. But we know there’s so much more we can do, and that’s where you come in!

I’m inviting you to hop on a super informal 30-minute video call with me. I want to hear your stories, your dreams, and your thoughts on what makes this community special. Why did you join us? What do you hope to get out of being part of this fantastic group? Your input is GOLD and will help us shape the community to better serve you and everyone else.

:sparkles: Whether you’re here to find inspiration, connect with like-minded pros, or learn and share tips, your voice matters! :sparkles:

Ready to share your ideas and help us create something truly awesome? Just comment below or shoot me a message, and I’ll get you all set up. Let’s make this community the best it can be—together! :rocket:

Can’t wait to chat with you soon!

Cheers to our incredible community! :earth_africa::heart::muscle:

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Okay here goes. Like I don’t want to be a troll, but I somehow feel I can voice some of the challenges expressed by others around. And since it’s been 21 days I think it also speaks volumes.

  1. What’s the purpose of this beyond the buzzword “community”? I see people doing some wild things here, meaning that they don’t get it either. E.g. people from Spain posting in a public forum asking accounting questions (that should be an email to customer support)

  2. If the goal is to actually unite community of solopreneurs, crack open Discord and make a server for people to find company while facing the actual challenges of solopreneurs - loneliness, uncertainty, quick feedback or question. Imho building some Reddit-style forum on top of accounting services & job board is stretching the resource too thin. And you can even see it it menu systems that have become confusing because we’re building some superapp all of a sudden.

  3. People are here for your amazing accounting & business solutions. That’s pretty much it. We network on LinkedIn, find gig jobs on Upwork and gazillion others. And since we’re Xolopreneurs there’s not even much argument around being local. Two stranger Estonians will have their first project on a video call soooo…yeah

  4. So how bout innovating in the area for which the client actually came for. Off the top of my dome here’s some:
    -make a cashflow prediction UI
    -find a way to enforce freelancer invoices to be respected and paid on time

… or if you want to be extreme go ahead but stay in your industry:

  • Go ahead and drop an investment product on top of this. Invest profits from your UI
  • find a way for some random-one-time-gig person to write an invoice legally without opening company to receive 200 EUR payment
  • Don’t make me plug stuff on top of your solution to create a productized/fractional subscription service for my customers

Now that’s some actual stuff that the community could benefit from. Maybe I’m the only one and wish every Xolopreneur the best, but I don’t think people from ridiculous amount of industries will now network based on having same accountant (and a really, really awesome one at that).

I’m sorry if this is super harsh, but you’re asking for feedback and I’ve learned it’s best to be honest.

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Hey there,

First off, thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts! We genuinely appreciate feedback like this because it’s the best way for us to get a real sense of what our users want (and don’t want). Honest and constructive input like yours is what helps us make Xolo better, so we’re all ears.

It sounds like you’re a fan of Discord as a community platform—good old Discord. I’d love to hear more about what specifically you like about Discord. Is there a particular feature that makes it your go-to for community building? We’re always exploring ways to create a better experience for everyone, and who knows, maybe there’s something there that could be a game-changer for us too.

You’ve also hit on some product ideas that we find super interesting. A better dashboard with predicted/future revenue? Yes, please! We’re always looking for ways to make life easier for solopreneurs, and that kind of financial foresight could be incredibly valuable. Invoice insurance and revenue anticipation maybe?—now that’s a topic that gets our brains buzzing. And investments via Xolo? The possibilities there are exciting to think about. We’re definitely adding those ideas to the vision board!

On the topic of making invoicing simpler for those one-time gig jobs, it seems like you might not be aware of our Xolo Go product. It’s designed exactly for that purpose! With Xolo Go, you can send an invoice legally without the need to open a company, perfect for those smaller, one-off projects like the 200 EUR payment you mentioned. Check it out here, and let us know what you think!

Thanks again for the feedback—please keep it coming! We’re here to build something that works for you and the rest of our community, so your input is invaluable. And hey, if you’ve got any more ideas, we’re all ears! :hugs: