Welcome to General Discussions!

Introduce yourself, share a meme, strike up a chat, or just vent a little. Also your place to get your official updates from Team Xolo.


WOW, so quiet here… so let me start off with introducing myself.

Hi! I’m Piia. I am a product engineer, working for Xolo. I work from home 80% of the time, so you could say that I’m a very homely person :smiley:
I do love working from home, as it’s very stress free and I always have my emotional support animal Hugo around if I get frustrated with a piece of code or a bad code review feedback :face_with_peeking_eye:

It’s not always such a blessing though, as it seems that I am also an emotional support animal for my kitty…


… so he’s the biggest distraction when it comes to WFH. Howbout you?


can’t get distracted when you don’t have pets :brain:.
but I guess during the summer, the biggest distraction is the warm weather.

/offtopic how did u add gif to ur reply?


Hi I’m Jay, I work 100% from home, have a small music studio at home with an M7 where we also mix, master or produce music and I mainly work in customer relations management but also do a lot of digital services like building websites, logos, banners and much more.

I love my jobs and have cats at home to keep me company so I am never alone.

Best Regards



Good to meet you! Love the Uno card, and thanks for breaking the ice. I’m a Canadian / nomad who spends a lot of time in Nicaragua. I’ve been using Xolo a few years now. Way easier than trying to run a remote business out of Canada.


Hello, I’m Denniel Georgia, an Education Advisor dedicated to helping students achieve their academic goals. With years of experience in providing personalized guidance, I specialize in offering comprehensive support for various subjects, particularly science assignment help. My mission is to make complex scientific concepts accessible and engaging for students, ensuring they excel in their studies. By leveraging my expertise, I aim to empower students to overcome academic challenges and reach their full potential. Whether you need assistance with assignments, understanding difficult topics, or preparing for exams, I’m here to guide you every step of the way.

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Hi there!

I am Cristina, an international tax advisor in Xolo, located in the countryside, near Barcelona :slightly_smiling_face:

I am totally aligned and share the passion of the Xolo mission; make freelance work better than employment! Let’s say that the spanish government doesn’t make things easy, but here’s where all the spanish team in Xolo can help :slight_smile:


Hi everyone, I’m Stefan, and I’m passionate about building powerful web automation and data extraction tools that anyone can use without needing to code. I’m the founder of Automatio, and I’m always excited to connect, brainstorm, and collaborate on innovative projects.

I am Estonian E-Resident for last 4 years, and really happy with the Xolo service.

Looking forward to contributing and learning from this awesome community!


Hi, I’m Irina! I’m passionate about driving Customer Success and optimizing operations to deliver outstanding results. I thrive on building strong customer relationships and streamlining processes. When I’m not working, you’ll find me exploring the ocean, spending quality time with my dogs, or studying/reading about Psychology :ocean::paw_prints: :nerd_face: