What are your go-to strategies for acquiring clients when your workflow is low?

We all experience those inevitable slow periods when work seems to dry up. During these times, having reliable strategies for acquiring new clients is crucial. So, what are your go-to methods for drumming up business when your workflow is low? Do you focus on networking, marketing, revisiting past clients, or trying something entirely different?


When my workflow is low, I focus on a few key strategies. First, I reconnect with past clients to see if there are any new opportunities. Networking is also crucial, whether it’s attending events or reaching out to connections.

I take advantage of slow periods to update my portfolio and website, which often helps attract new clients. Creating and sharing content, like blog posts, on platforms like LinkedIn has been effective in showcasing my expertise.

Lastly, I explore new freelance platforms to see what opportunities are out there (Like Xchange)

For me when work is low, i usually start cold pitching target client groups. but I never try to get into a low situation, its all about business/sales development process, you need a system. I’ve and am experienced in building sales pipelines and marketing therefore I use my skills to generate business. i can recommend more to build and invest in personal branding and learning cold outreach skills as well as marketing to generate business.