What productivity tool did you think would work in your case, but didn’t?

I’ve been there a few times - excited to try a new productivity tool that promises to revolutionize my workflow, only to realize it didn’t quite live up to the hype.

Whether it was too complicated, distracting, or just didn’t fit your work style, sometimes a tool that sounds perfect on paper ends up being more of a hassle. What’s a productivity tool that you thought would work wonders for you but ultimately didn’t?

In my case: pomodoro timers! While it can be great for focus, it works best for short tasks. I find that it mainly distracts me and disrupts my flow when the timer beeps during more complex tasks. But that’s just me :upside_down_face:


I completely get where you’re coming from with Pomodoro! :expressionless:
I’ve tried using it a few times, thinking it’d help me power through tasks, but I ended up feeling more interrupted than productive, especially when I’m deep into something complex. The constant start-stop just kills my flow.


I totally resonate with the experience of trying out productivity tools that seem perfect on paper but just don’t work out in practice. For me, it was also the Pomodoro technique. While it sounded like a great way to structure my time, I found the frequent breaks disrupted my flow, especially when I was deep into complex tasks. I’ve realized that a more flexible approach to time management works better for me. Has anyone found a way to make Pomodoro work in a more fluid way?


It’s great for certain tasks, but like many of you, I found it a bit disruptive for deeper, more complex work. Instead, I’ve turned to time blocking my calendar for specific types of tasks. This lets me focus on one category of work for a longer stretch, which helps me get into the zone without the interruptions of a timer.