What's Your Go-To Podcast Lately?

Which podcast have you found yourself tuning into frequently these days? :thinking:


Hey Carmina! You’ve gotta give “Remote Work Europe” by Maya Middlemiss a listen on Spotify (link here). It’s packed with insights, and guess what? Some folks from Xolo have even dropped by for a few episodes. Don’t miss out!


I’ve recently found “How I built this” very inspiring. It’s about founders sharing the often bumpy road towards the brands they’ve created - a very relevant thing for solopreneurs as well.


The Diary of a CEO with Steven Bartlett
Freakonomics Radio


Lately, I’ve been listening to two fantastic podcasts that focus on mental health (not work-related). They are both in Spanish, but I highly recommend them to all Spanish speakers!

  1. Somos Estupendas: This podcast is run by a group of female psychologists who are dedicated to empowering women’s mental health.
  2. Por si las Voces Vuelven: This one features personal stories about navigating challenging situations. The experiences shared are deeply moving and incredibly inspiring.

I have to say that when I listen to podcast, It’s my “relaxing” - “no thinking” time, so I always go for comedy podcasts. My top 3 (in spanish and catalan though) are:

  • Nadie sabe nada
  • La ruina
  • El bĂşnquer