Hey @grady.andersen - what’s the specific issue? Are you asking technical tax questions or what? Similarly to @ivan.bora and @simon_joachim , I’ve been with Xolo for years - since 2020 - and find that the team is always knowledgeable and professional.
I will say that you should always expect a delay - I send e-mails to Xolo expecting a “later this week” kind of turnaround, and I would say that you should ask exactly 1-3 specific and clearly-marked questions per message if you expect a direct response.
The support team is kind, polite, professional, and excellent to deal with - but it’s also clear that they are under time constraints, as you would expect. If your messages are long, ambiguous, or filled with many different questions, then you can absolutely expect some will get missed.
The other point is knowing what Xolo plausibly can and can’t answer. If you’re asking a tax law question, or posing counterfactuals about “What if I choose to do X later in my company’s development” or “But if I moved to Y country, how would that change things” then you’re not going to get satisfactory answers either.
My experience will Xolo tells me that I will reliably get an answer from Xolo within a few days, subject to the following points:
- No more than a few, clearly-defined and concisely-worded questions
- Subject matter that is not covered in the FAQ and Help/Support Knowledgebase
- Highlight the fact that I read the Help/Support Knowledgebase and clearly identify what ADDITIONAL information I require
Xolo can answer questions about its policies and procedures, general questions about Estonian company law, general questions about Estonian tax law, and general questions about business administration… Aside from those specific topics, it’s not really Xolo’s area, AND we’re not really paying Xolo for it. I don’t expect specialized tax or business consulting support from an organisation I’m essentially paying to provide my bookkeeping and general compliance functions.
The forum is good for some of these questions - that is, the counterfactuals and “what-ifs” - so long as you take any advice here with a grain of salt and do your own research. If you’ve got specific questions, I’d be happy to try to answer or help you find answers, either here or via DM.
Let me know what you’re trying to learn, and I’ll see if I can help you out. It’s important not to expect more from Xolo than what is actually on offer within the service we’re paying for, though. A lot of this is up to us to find out, and the resources generally ARE actually available if we look hard enough.