Xolo Customer Service NOT GREAT

Hello, I’ve having some issues with Xolo’s service team. Who’s having the same issues? It’s almost like they’re using AI or robots on the other side. They never answer my questions directly and always give some huge FAQ-style feedback, with none of the information being tax consulting advice. Most of it’s general Estonian law information.

Nor are they very helpful in regard to Xolo and the system and how the styem manages and tracks expense reports. Almost everything gets denied and they offer an email but don’t offer email forwarding to the email provided, making it extremely difficult to work with.

Who else is suffering from the same experience?

It’s strange, I’ve been with Xolo for 5+ years, I always get reasonable answers. Maybe it’s some particular case.


Hi Grady, thanks so much for sharing and voicing your experiences with our service team. I represent the Xolo Community and this is of course not the experience we want to leave our members with. Could I ask you to DM me the questions you’re still searching for answers to and I’ll do my best to help guide you while we revisit our internal service level manual. Thanks again :pray:


I can’t confirm that, I’ve been very satisfied for several years, at the beginning of the ride there can be a delay when everything is doing its tax fillings.

Questions were discussed and solved in a few days, regardless of whether they were simple or complicated issues.

What expectations do you have for a 100 Euro setup even if you use the Premium Plan, you should not expect a complex office.


Personally I find Xolo customer support top notch.
Huge shout out to Sirli who is always around and answers everything asap.
She also helps with quirky issues which I don’t know know how to deal with.
I’d move to Xolo my other compnay but that one has three owners and Xolo deal only with solopreneurs unfortunately.

I am VERY SATISFIED with Xolo :slight_smile:
Sorry that you have this experience.


Hey @grady.andersen - what’s the specific issue? Are you asking technical tax questions or what? Similarly to @ivan.bora and @simon_joachim , I’ve been with Xolo for years - since 2020 - and find that the team is always knowledgeable and professional.

I will say that you should always expect a delay - I send e-mails to Xolo expecting a “later this week” kind of turnaround, and I would say that you should ask exactly 1-3 specific and clearly-marked questions per message if you expect a direct response.

The support team is kind, polite, professional, and excellent to deal with - but it’s also clear that they are under time constraints, as you would expect. If your messages are long, ambiguous, or filled with many different questions, then you can absolutely expect some will get missed.

The other point is knowing what Xolo plausibly can and can’t answer. If you’re asking a tax law question, or posing counterfactuals about “What if I choose to do X later in my company’s development” or “But if I moved to Y country, how would that change things” then you’re not going to get satisfactory answers either.

My experience will Xolo tells me that I will reliably get an answer from Xolo within a few days, subject to the following points:

  • No more than a few, clearly-defined and concisely-worded questions
  • Subject matter that is not covered in the FAQ and Help/Support Knowledgebase
  • Highlight the fact that I read the Help/Support Knowledgebase and clearly identify what ADDITIONAL information I require

Xolo can answer questions about its policies and procedures, general questions about Estonian company law, general questions about Estonian tax law, and general questions about business administration… Aside from those specific topics, it’s not really Xolo’s area, AND we’re not really paying Xolo for it. I don’t expect specialized tax or business consulting support from an organisation I’m essentially paying to provide my bookkeeping and general compliance functions.

The forum is good for some of these questions - that is, the counterfactuals and “what-ifs” - so long as you take any advice here with a grain of salt and do your own research. If you’ve got specific questions, I’d be happy to try to answer or help you find answers, either here or via DM.

Let me know what you’re trying to learn, and I’ll see if I can help you out. It’s important not to expect more from Xolo than what is actually on offer within the service we’re paying for, though. A lot of this is up to us to find out, and the resources generally ARE actually available if we look hard enough.


The support itself is ok (questions are answered in a reasonable amount of time), but where I agree with you is that I feel a big difference between 5 year ago when I used Xolo (was called LeapIN back in the time), and now. In the past my dashboard was up-to-date: when I got a notification, and I took action (explain expense, attach document, …) then the support was checking it and then the notification dissapeared.
Now it has been 2-3 years that I always have some notification and red warnings on my dashboard “rejected documents”, “we need more information” even though I processed them. Seems like nobody cares, until we need to submit annual report. The result is that my brain automatically skips these messages since they became normal, and I feel like my accounting is never in a “clean” state. This year, I needed to pay 200€ for “past due annual report”, because I was doing some email ping-pong to justify some insignificant 10€ expense.
I must say that I’m starting to think about alternatives, because at this point I would prefer to pay more, but have the feeling that a human cares about my accounting (not just some robot that can’t solve the case 75% of the time).