Xolo Pledge: Solve your biggest problem!


Hey there, Solopreneurs :wave:

The destiny of you and other solopreneurs like you is in the hands of… yourself! :muscle:

Starting in July, Xolo is dedicated to solving the biggest challenges solopreneurs face, but we need YOUR help to identify them. :face_with_monocle:

:clipboard: Is business admin overwhelming you?
:money_with_wings: Are taxes too complicated (or… too high)?
:stop_sign: Struggling to find exciting projects?

Whatever your main problem, submit it here, in the Xolo Pledge.

The issue that collects the most upvotes will be the center of our attention in Q3.
Based on the nature of the issue, we’ll assemble a team, allocate a budget, and provide monthly updates on our progress.

We’re ready to:
:hammer_and_wrench: Develop a product
:mega: Lobby with relevant organizations
:dart: Create awareness campaigns
…or do whatever it takes to tackle the issue!

Submit your issue now—the more time it has to collect upvotes, the more likely it will be addressed.
Share the problem with your network—everyone can participate in the voting. :globe_with_meridians:

Let’s turn your problems into our problems!

NOTE: Please submit your problem as a new post here:

Greetings from Finland! I’m Joni Haapaniitty from Turku, Finland, and the biggest challenge here has become the digital nomad taipalei starting a business, I thought that dropshipping is simple and even though different platforms offer free, they are not completely. now I’ve done wordpress.org myself, found a 0.99 us store domain and a 2.95 hotel which also includes a year’s email. I decided that I want to start with €0 and become a millionaire, it doesn’t look like it yet, but it would be too easy. When I publicly said I make 0€ and pay 0% to the state, the jobs won’t accept and you won’t get anything from the state, but I represent blockchain and web3, they’re not stopping us, they’re trying to slow us down. I learned don’t open your jacket and say anything, but I won’t give up here and the whole world will turn into ours. still in style. Finland is, as they say here, your neighbor pays for your failure. it’s horrible when citizens turn against themselves.